Jackson David Drewry

Jackson David Drewry
A Beautiful Boy!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

T-Minus One Week and Counting

Well, the time has almost come for us to meet our little man and we can barely hold in the excitment! We have set an appointment to be induced on the 4th of December. Dr. Neal says that Jackson is coming along great and due to Kim's size he does not want to have any complications and thinks that would be a great time to have a baby. November was a hectic month, hustling and bustling to get everything ready for Jackson, and on top of that trying to get everything ready for Christmas. We wanted to get everythig done so we can spend all of our time with Jackson as a new family when he arrives. His room is finally all ready, everything in its appropriate place, just missing one baby now!

Jackson's room minus Jackson.

We have been up and down the checklists making sure that we have everything we need and so far so good, now all we need is the Baby Owner's Manual that they give you at the hospital that tells you everything you need to know to be a parent. They do give those out, don't they?