Jackson David Drewry

Jackson David Drewry
A Beautiful Boy!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's been way too long, but yet it has gone by way too fast! We can't believe it, but yesterday Jackson turned 3 months old! He is getting bigger and not to be boastful parent, but he is ahead of the curve for his monthly accomplishments. He has been rolling over, grabbing things, putting said things in his mouth, smiling and today we got a bit of chuckle from him. Jackson loves when daddy makes funny so much that he is learning to mimic those and make his own funny faces. He has become quite the talker; mommy & Jackson have all kinds of great conversations.

However there have been some down sides since the last update, like his 2 month checkup and vaccinations! He hated those shots and wouldn't talk to daddy for several hours. Mommy had to go back to work Monday, but nonetheless, Jackson's face lights up when he hears and sees mommy come through the door.

We have had a busy couple of months and many more to come; in the meantime here are a few pictures of what's been happening:

Here is Jackson just before "DOOMS DAY", he was about to get his shots. This is the Before Jackson...
... but there was no After Jackson, he was little mad at us.
He has really taken a liking to his mobile, we have to pry him away at times just so we can spend some time with him.
Jackson loves to roll over; this is him practicing with mommy one night.

Mommy showed him some pictures and video of him rolling over, he wanted to critique his form.
Jackson took his first flight with mommy and daddy to Houston on February 19th, 2009
Flt 35 DAL to HOU.
Waiting to board, Jackson has his SWA Kid I.D. badge out and ready!

All settled in waiting to go.

On second thought, he is not so sure about this whole flying thing.

About to land, Jackson is as calm as can be.

He did it, completed his first Take-Off & Landings, he'll be sure to log this one in his flight book. Jackson receives his official Wings and First Flight Certificate!
Now he is over the first fears and is ready for Grandpa to teach him how to fly.
A little play time always brings a smile to every one's face, especially Jackson's.

This is and the one above are some of the few pictures of Jackson smiling. Although he loves to smile all the time, he is a little camera shy. Every time we try to sneak in a picture, he stops smiling and studies the camera very intently.

The bad news is that he is already becoming a bit of a couch potato and loves watching TV.

Jackson did his 1st annual family Cowtown 10K!
All suited up in his running gear he finished with record time for his age group.

Okay, so he didn't actually run, but he was there to support the team. After all the team was named for him and his cousin Michael, "The New Kids On the Block!" Before long Jackson & Michael will be running along with the family (we do the Cowtown 10K every year as a family).
That's all for now, we will post another update soon, we promise! Now that Jackson is reaching more and more milestones, we don't want you to miss moment. Until then Jackson wanted to leave you with a funny face for the road!